I snagged a treasury and created it showcasing lovely lavender items. It is located here:
http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=110231 and will expire on Feb 4th at 12:30pm.
At the same time, I was featured in the following treasuries:!!
http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=110173 will expire on Wednesday, Feb 3rd at 11:37pm
http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=110362 which will also expire on Feb 3rd at 11:37pm.
When I first started on etsy, I listed things and let them be... no sales!! I've started promoting and since, I've gotten several sales and lots of treasuries! It takes time and effort, but I love my work enough to want to put it out there. Plus, in the meantime, I get to meet lots of great people, both buyers and sellers....