Monday, June 27, 2011

Groundhog Family

For a few years now, we've seen the same big waddling ground hog in our back yard. We named him Charlie :) He'd sit out in the field and just eat grass for a while and then waddle on to the corner of the back yard where he must have lived in the woods somewhere.

Well, a few weeks ago, Charlie turned out to be Charlene! She had three tiny babies with her and she had moved from the woods to a hole under our gazebo platform about 25 feet from the back of our house. She doesn't seem to be causing any damage, so we love it!! The babies have been out and about. Some people have told me their pests and I should shoo them away from our property. Besides the fact that I've heard groundhogs can stand their ground and aren't shy about biting, I don't see them hurting anything. They're already getting further and further from their little nest and other than eating some bulbs I planted, they seem to be causing absolutely no harm. maybe I'm naive, but I just can't justify displacing a mommy and 3 babies over some lost bulbs! I got a picture of one of the babies as she/he eyed me warily from the gazebo platform:
Could you shoo that face away???

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