Phoenix feather Bracelets:
From Dr. Jimothy O'Braughn, Explorer for Ad Astra:
As many of those within Ad Astra know, I specialize in finding and collecting the feathers of the crystal phoenixes of Morya. Their tail feathers have strange crystal formations that many use to turn into stunning jewelry pieces. Indeed, the royal families of Morya for centuries have made their jewels exclusively out of these rare specimens. The birds themselves are not rare, in fact they are quite prevalent in Morya, but their tail feathers are only "in bloom" as the locals say once every moon cycle. The tail feathers bloom on one day of each cycle and only a few drop off. To capture one of these birds and pluck the feathers is a serious crime in Morya and as many know, the Moryan prisons are not a place one wants to spend even a few hours, let alone the month long sentence most get slapped with for harming one of these precious birds. So, in order the collect these feathers, one must rely only on hunting and scavenging through the forests of Morya. The forests there are not entirely benign, being filled with various poisonous and carnivorous plants and quite large and aggressive blue bears that have been known to terrorize villagers who dare to build their homesteads close to their dens.
Whether through luck or skill, I seem to find these feathers quite easily and so far have not found myself in many situations of personal danger in Morya. I have collected many different colors of feathers, in fact, I very rarely see 2 of these birds with the same colored feathers. Making the brightest and most attractive feathers all that more valuable. The locals of Morya also attribute many healing properties to these feathers, as well as protection of the wearer from physical dangers.
The phoenix lives for around a hundred Earth years and has a full life cycle each of our moon cycles. Meaning they are hatched, grow to adulthood, and "poof" out into cinders from which an egg appears from which they re-hatch.
I have brought back several examples this trip and have shown them below:
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